Friday, May 6, 2011

Epic Makeover Run Has Ended!

I found out first thing this morning that I did not make the cut for the Final 5 in Mandi's Epic Makeover.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed. It would have been awesome to have Mandi come and makeover my space! She has been so sweet through this entire contest that I am sure working with her would have been amazing!

All the remaining contestants look great! There is a contestant from Atlanta still in the running. I am pulling for her, since it's the closest to Saint Louis, so maybe I can road trip down and have the chance to meet Mandi!

I guess I'll just have to pull up these bootstraps and get crackin' on the decorating myself.
It will be fun! (or at least funny! A comedy of errors perhaps) I hope you will all stick around for the adventure that is the making of our Good Home!

What do you think is the feasibility of mainlining caffeine so I can stay awake 24 hours a day to make this happen...I can only work while the kids are asleep!
I mean this is what I am dealing with all day~
This is what my kids were busy doing while I was in the kitchen packing.
Yes, the cat is actually in there.
I can't leave them alone for 5 minutes with out some sort of mayhem.
I love it though.

I'm linking up with the Company Girls


Marianne said...

That must be one very good natured cat. I am not sure mine would have let the kids put him in a box.
Anyways, I think our houses look pretty much the same and our lists too. I am putting together boxes, packing them, stacking them, forgetting what is in them, opening them, marking them and stacking them again.
And then my husband brought in the stumach flu...
So far so good for me and the kids, we'll see how long that lasts. And if you find out how to stay awake 24 hours a day without loosing your sanity, please let me know the secret to it.

One More Equals Four said...

Wow! Now that it a really good natured cat...or a drugged one! :) Reminds me of my house, I can totally see my 3 year old doing something like that!

Good luck with all you have going on and be sure to take a little time for yourself this weekend!

Happy Mother's Day!

Katharine said...

We just moved in December so I can totally relate! I love that they packed the cat! Hope you have a great weekend!
Happy Mother's Day!

Mary Bergfeld said...

About the coffee thing. You probably could mainline but you'd be in the bathroom all the time :-). I've just found your blog and have really enjoyed the time I spent here. I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary